Your own essays and responses will serve as major texts for this course. Additional course readings will include examples of rhetorical theory and rhetorical prowess spanning from the 4th century B.C. to last week. You can expect a wide variety of works. You will also be expected to suggest and contribute texts for our consideration.
Links to course readings will are below, arranged by week.
Week One
Book I, Chapters 1-3 in Lee Honeycutt’s Hypertext Compilation of Aristotle’s On Rhetoric
Walk through the “Trees” at Silva Rhetoriæ
Week Two
Book III, Chapters 1, 12-19 in Lee Honeycutt’s Hypertext Compilation of Aristotle’s On Rhetoric (You may skim chapters 14-19)
“How Long Do Users Stay on Webpages?”
“F-Shaped Pattern for Reading Web Content”
Douglas Eyman, “Digital Rhetoric: Theory,” from Digital Rhetoric: Theory, Method, Practice
Week Three
James Zappen, “Digital Rhetoric: Toward an Integrated Theory”
Mark Prensky, “Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants”
Elizabeth Eisenstein, “The Unacknowledged Revolution,” from The Printing Press as an Agent of Change: Communications and Cultural Transformations in Early-Modern Europe (on reserve)
Week Four
Browse The Digital Archive of Literacy Narratives
Wendy Bishop, “The Literacy Narrative” (on reserve)
Take a look at The Digital Rhetoric Collaborative
Week Five
Lloyd Bitzer, “The Rhetorical Situation”
Richard Vatz, “The Myth of the Rhetorical Situation”
Week Six
No readings. Work on other projects.
Week Seven
“Arguing in Type: On The Rhetoricity of Letterforms”
Week Eight
I Love Typography (
Spring Break—No Class
Week Nine
Some time over the break, listen to at least two stories of your choice from NPR’s This I Believe ( and Story Corps (
Week Ten
No readings. Work on other projects.
Week Eleven
Carolyn Handa, Introduction + Excerpts, Visual Rhetoric in a Digital World
A Periodic Table of Visualization Methods (
Week Twelve
No readings. Work on other projects.
Week Thirteen
Shannon Mattern “Bureaucracy’s Playthings”
Vannevar Bush, “As We May Think”
Trever Owens, “What Do You Mean by Archive? Genres of Usage for Digital Preservers”
Kate Theimer, “Archives in Context and as Context”